Everlasting Tune
God is the Light of Heavens & Earth
Frolicking Horses
An Olive Tree that is neither of the East nor the West
Flowers that Sing Dreams of the Earth
The Essence of the Divine Writ/ Ummul Kitab
Where 2 Oceans Meet Verse 20 (Composition 2)
Where 2 Oceans Meet Verse 21 (Composition 3)
Transcendental Mansions of the Moon 5/25
The Attributes of Divine Perfection, Artists Proof
The Nocturnal Ascension of the Prophet to Heaven 5/7
The Ship 19/60
The Orbits of Praise 1/25
The Falcon 18/135
Al Bayt al Ma'muur 4/25
The Coiling of Day and Night 18/60
An Olive Tree that is neither of the East nor of the West
An Admonition from the Prophet to a Young Man
Remembrance and Gratitude (diptych)
Night Journey and Ascension (two prints to be placed together in a single frame)
Naming Infinity One Hundred Minus One (A)
Naming Infinity One Hundred Minus One (B)
Naming Infinity One Hundred Minus One (C)
Landscape in due Measure and Proportion
Maturity of Consciousness: Variant 1
Naming Infinity - One Hundred minus One
Pavilions of Remembrance and Gratitude